Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Surgical Oncology_Lupine Publishers

A Clinical Study to Assess the Effects of Pneumoperitoneum on Respiratory Mechanics and Hemodynamics in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Obese Patients by Jitendra Agrawa in Global Journal of Anesthesia & Pain Medicine in Lupine Publishers

Laparoscopic surgeries have been performed now a day’s very frequently. The pneumoperitoneum created in these laparoscopic procedures produces various effects on haemodynamic and respiratory parameters of the patients.Method: 61 patients of ASA grade I and II undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy were registered for this study. After induction of GA these patients were ventilated mechanically with tidal volume of 8ml/ kg and RR of 18/min. Haemodynamic (HR, SBP, DBP and MAP) and respiratory mechanics parameter (Peak inspiratory pressure, peak plateau pressure, et CO2, spO2 and end tidal volume) and arterial blood samples (pH, paCO2 and base deficit/excess) were recorded and analyzed at 30min intervals after creation of pneumoperitoneum with CO2. Changes in hemodynamic, respiratory mechanics and ABG were compared between the different time intervals with the base line values

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