Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Vascular Surgery- Anesthesia Pain Medicine Journal

Anesthetic Considerations in A Case of Arnold Chairi Malformation Type II by Bhavna Gupta in Global Journal of Anesthesia & Pain Medicine in Lupine Publishers

Arnold chiari malformation (ACM) Type II is a developmental abnormality of the brainstem and cerebellar tonsil, medulla and protrusion of 4th ventricle into cervical spinal canal. To best of our knowledge, there is paucity of literature regarding anesthetic management of cases with ACM type II. The anesthetic concerns with general anesthesia are related to the risk of autonomic dysfunction, difficult airway management, damage to the spinal cord and sensitivity to neuromuscular blocking agents. There is risk of increasing intracranial pressure and brainstem compression or herniation leading to hemodynamic and respiratory compromise, due to presence of meningomyelocoele, syringohydromyelia and tethered spinal cord

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